Our goals are simple:

  1. Bring together people with a shared love of fitness
  2. Encourage people to reach their fitness goals
  3. Have fun
By providing your details here, you consent to being contacted directly by us with information and updates about our campaign. See our privacy policy for more details.

What Is RunRevive?

We are creating a community for runners and fitness enthusiasts. We want to bring people together online, and importantly, in person. We truly believe that physical activity and being part of a community is the key to improving your physical health and mental wellbeing.

Our new platform will allow people to form groups and promote events such as weekly runs or a circuit or spinning class. You can communicate with other group members through the website or app, and RunRevive will be free to join and use.

Being part of a group can encourage you to reach your goals. You can share tips and advice and support each other. We welcome all levels of experience, from elite athletes to casual members, who just want to improve their health.

We Need Your Help

Maybe you run a gym, are part of a fitness group, or are planning on setting one up. If so, we want to hear from you. We want to help you keep in contact with your members and help you promote your group to new members.

What Next?

Fill in the form below with your name and email address. We will keep you up to date on the launch of the RunRevive platform. We will also send you a link to a form where you can tell us about your group. You can also ask us any questions you have.

We really don't want to spam you. We will only contact you once or twice a month, and you can unsubscribe any time you like. And of course, we will never share your details with anyone else.

By providing your details here, you consent to being contacted directly by us with information and updates about our campaign. See our privacy policy for more details.